It's been ages since I did a blog. My thoughts being written for others to read. What would be the problem in doing that, you may ask? I can't see a problem at all, after all, they are my thoughts, my ideas and the process of my brain, jumbled as it can be, gets all sorted as each letter appears on the screen.
Why have I been avoiding my blog? Well, simply because one of the pieces I wrote, caused offence to someone. Now, you're jumping up and down, I hear the earth quaking, shouting "BUT IT'S YOUR BLOG", I know, incredible, isn't it? Sometimes the truth hurts. They were my words, my thoughts, my blog. I could take the criticism, I believe, after all, it is important to point out bullying is wrong.
We shouldn't offend, I know, but surely in this day and age, in this forward thinking century, we are entitled to have our own opinion, to voice them carefully and if they are found to be offensive, in this grown-up society, we would be able to discuss the problem. It's certainly how I would approach something. Ask, always question and then if the answer still gives no solace, retreat. Perhaps the problem isn't what's written but could be... I'm not saying it is, just give it a thought... it could be... you ... maybe it's you who has the problem?
Of course, therein lies the problem.
When we write to please others, we are not writing. By all means be wary of the words you put down but if they're yours, they are those you have worried about and are a perfect fit for the work that belongs to you, therefore they are the correct prose. Not everyone will appreciate or enjoy, in fact, some may hate and disparage. That's their prerogative, and they then have the right to voice their own opinion. Take heart, should you receive harsh criticism, your work was read by another. Your opinion was heard, your words were read.
Remember, there is the point of breaking the law with words - a completely different set of circumstances will apply. You can't for instance, write so offensively, it causes world war 3, you cannot plagiarise or be libellous. You open yourself up to all sorts of litigation, and none that will end up in your favour.
However, if you write, within the context of your narrative, well, all sorts of unscrupulous scenarios can be accepted and many subjects can be addressed. Chances are, you may have to edit a few times!