Sunday, 16 February 2014

The Pound, The Chancellor, Mr Salmond and Scotland

It's such a dreary and depressing title, but the subject is, at times, very depressing. Oh not because of the vote coming up in September but because of the 'intelligent' debates being held on both sides of the fence.

As I see it, the 'Yes' campaigners will have us, in Scotland, believe that the day will be brighter, life will be easier and money will be plentiful, if we vote for an independent Scotland.

The 'No' campaigners will have us, in Scotland, believe that Mr Salmond is the devil incarnate, we will all be penniless, homeless and ultimately stupid if we vote for an independent Scotland.

I have gone onto the web sites for both sides, to get some information. Perhaps I should have watched a debate on Question Time, but sadly it would seem the BBC no longer want to wander north of the border for this debate, so I am stuck with reading the opinion and facts from those taking part in debate. I have also read the paper (paper! hundreds of papers) released by the SNP and it's not an easy task to understand.

I have asked questions on both sites and have been called a 'troll'... on both sites. Now, I am not a little hairy beastie, running around with a club, nor am I trawling to initiate a riot, I just want more information. But sadly, I am left frustrated and depressed.

Each debate seems to dwindle into an appalling name calling farce.

I, was definitely voting with my heart, until Mr Osborne's visit to Edinburgh, whereby he announced in a hotel, one mile from the Scottish parliament building, that Scots would not be given the right to use the pound, should they vote for an independent Scotland. Since his visit, I can't say my heart is involved at all.

Mr Cameron makes an announcement regarding Scotland with the Glasgow Commonwealth banner behind him, and is 500 miles from Scotland.

How disrespectful. Please note, it's MR Cameron and MR Osborne and MR Salmond. All hold senior positions in government, one is the leader in the Westminster government, the other the chancellor, and the other the leader of the Scottish government, respect where it's due, it doesn't cost anything.

Three different parties managed to come together to agree that the pound could not be the denomination used in Scotland. This after the governor of the Bank of England, made a public announcement saying that there could be an agreement put in place for using the pound.

Three parties with nothing in common, they disagree on the aged, the disabled, the poor, the sale of British organisations, the NHS….but they can agree on Scotland not being allowed to used the pound. What a sad state of affairs.

I have never been any good in debate, I listen to both sides, I have perhaps gone into the debate with a set idea in mind, but I do listen to both sides. When I hear explanations from one I have a tendency to agree until I hear the opposing argument, and then I agree with them. I have not the intelligence to understand why both sides are right, it's just that some parts of the arguments, on both sides, ARE RIGHT.

I cannot understand, for example, why we cannot be an independent country and cooperate with our neighbouring countries. The UK have been cooperating with a US government on many subjects for years, so what is the problem in working together with a country separated by a wall that is hundreds of years old?

I have many friends in the south, I have family from the south, because I choose to vote a certain way, does it mean we are no longer friends? Is a Scottish nationalist really something that should be talked about in such a derogatory ways? You may come back with "you say the same about the Tories"…true, but that's because only 16% of Scots voted for them! And it's not only Scots who have a dislike of the Tories, the north of England joins in with that derision.

There are some Scots who will throw into the argument pot, the four hundred years of's a fact that truly needs to be put to bed and focus should be put to the future, not the past.

I sigh when reading this because it does depress me, I hate the thought of my friends in the south thinking we are anti-English, I have no doubt there are some who are, but 90% of Scots are not and simply want the decisions of their country to be made, by their country.

Some comments have been made  about the cost of keeping Scotland, there have been comments saying "good, we'll be glad to be rid of you", "we can now sing the second and third verses of the national anthem" and "whingeing Scots" (I truly don't understand this one, why are we whingeing to ask for independence?) So I'm fairly sure in the south there are some anti-Scots but I'll bet the majority are not, yet we only seem to hear - and read - about those who have these sentiments.

A fair debate, one using facts not made up stories, a panel with made up with an equal amount of support, from both sides of the debate. One that does not have racists from either side, one that has people who love their countries. Is it too much to ask? It would appear, yes.

So until this happens, I have another 7 months to read as much as I can, although my heart has made my mind up, but I will keep on reading and learning and hoping that our neighbours will support us, whichever way the vote goes.

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